4th year Biochemistry dissertation on: Schizosaccharomyces pompe. A possible model for toxicity testing?
M.Sc. Thesis: Proximal and distal epithelial compensatory responses following localised ileal X-irradiation.
Ph.D. Thesis
Studies on epithelial cell proliferation and migration in the mammalian gastro-intestinal tract.
Papers: Wilson, T.J.G., Ponder, B.A.J. and Wright, N.A. (1985) The use of a mouse chimaeric model to study cell migration patterns in the small intestinal epithelium. Cell and Tissue Kinetics 18, 333-343
Goodlad, R.A., Wilson, T.J.G., Lenton, W., Wright, N.A., Gregory, H. and McCullagh, K.G (1985) Urogastrone-Epidermal Growth Factor is trophic to the intestinal epithelium of parentally fed rats. Experientia 41, 1161-1163
Goodlad, R.A., Wilson, T.J.G., Lenton, W., Gregory, H., McCullagh, K.G. and Wright, N.A (1987) Intravenous but not intra gastric Urogastrone-EGF is trophic to the intestine of parentally fed rats. Gut 28,573-582
Goodlad, R.A., Wilson, T.J.G., Lenton, W., Gregory, H., McCullagh, K.G. and Wright, N.A ( 1987) Proliferative effects of urogastrone-EGF on the intestinal epithelium. Gut 28, Supplement: 37-43
James, P.S., Smith, M.W., Tivey, D.R. and Wilson, T.J.G. (1987) Dexamethazone selectively increases sodium-dependent alanine transport across neonatal piglet intestine. Journal of Physiology, 393 559-582
James, P.S., Smith, M.W., Tivey, D.R. and Wilson, T.J.G. (1987) Epidermal Growth Factor selectively increases maltase and sucrase activities in neonatal piglet intestine. Journal of Physiology, 393 583-594
Goodlad, R.A., Wilson, T.J.G., Lenton, W., Wright, N.A., Gregory, H. and McCullagh, K.G (1988) Effects of urogastrone (epidermal growth factor) on the intestinal epithelium. Z.Gastroenterol [Verh] 23 ,171-177
Wilson, T.J.G., Firth, M.N., Powell, J.T. and Harrison, F.L. (1989) The sequence of the mouse 14kDa ß-galactoside binding lectin and evidence for its synthesis on free cytoplasmic ribosomes. Biochemical Journal 261, 847-852
Harrison. F.L. and Wilson, T.J.G. (1992) The 14kDa ß-galactoside binding lectin in myoblast and myotube cultures: localisation by confocal microscopy. Journal of Cell Science 101, 635-646
Dow, J.M., Osbourn, A.E., Wilson T.J.G. and Daniels M.J. (1995) A locus determining pathogenicity of Xanthomonas campestris is involved in lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis. Mol.Plant-Microb.Interact. 8, 768-777
Smith S.G., Wilson T.J.G., Dow J.M. and Daniels M.J. (1996) A gene for Superoxide dismutase from Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and its expression during bacterial-plant interactions. Mol.Plant-Microb.Interact. 9, 584-593.
Tang, J.L., Feng, J.X., Li, Q.Q., Wen, H.X., Zhou, D.L., Wilson T.J.G., Dow, M.J., Ma, Q.S. and Daniels, M.J. (1996) Cloning and characterisation of the rpfC gene of Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae- involvement in exoploysaccharide production and virulence to rice. Mol.Plant-Microb.Interact. 9 664-666
Barber C.E., Tang, J.L., Feng, J.X., Pan, M.Q., Wilson, T.J.G., Slater, H., Dow, J.M., Williams, P. and Daniels, M.J. (1997) A novel regulatory system required for pathogenicity of Xanthomonas campestris is mediated by a small diffusible signal molecule. Mol.Microbe. 24 555-566
Wilson, T.J.G., Bertrand N., Tang J-L., Feng J-X. Pan M-Q., Barber C.E., Dow J.M. and Daniels M.J. (1998) The rpfA gene of Xanthomonas campsetris pv campestris which is involved in regulation of pathogenicity factor production encodes an aconitase. Mol.Microbe.28 961-970
Bulter J.M., Deutscher J., Postma P.W., Wilson T.J.G., Galinier A. and Bibb M.J. (1999) Analysis of the ptsH homologue from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) FEMS Microbiol Lett .177 279-288
Wilson T.J.G. Thomsen KK, Petersen BO, Duus JO, Oliver RP (2003) Detection of 3-hydroxykynurenine in a plant pathogenic fungus. Biochem J. 371 783-788.
Solomon P.S., Lee R.C., Wilson T.J.G and Oliver R.P (2004) Pathogenicity of Stagonospora nodorum requires malate synthase and hence glycolytic gluconeogenesis Mol Microbiol. 53 1065-1073
Solomon, P.S., Wilson, T.J.G., Rybak, K., Parker, K.E., Lowe, R.G.T. & Oliver, R.P. (2006). Structural characterisation of the interaction between Triticum aestivum and the dothideomycete pathogen Stagonospora nodorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 114 275-282.
RJ Siezen and G Wilson. (2008) Unpublished but public genomes with industrial relevance. Microbial BioTechnology. 1 202-207.
RJ Siezen and G Wilson.(2009) Genomics of deep-sea and sub seafloor microbes Microbial BioTechnology 2 157-163
RJ Siezen and G Wilson. (2009) Bioleaching genomics Microbial BioTechnology 2 297-303
RJ Siezen and G Wilson (2010) Probiotic genomics Microbial BioTechnology 3 1-9
RJ Siezen, G Wilson and T Todt (2010) Prokaryotic whole-transcriptome analysis: deep sequencing and tiling arrays Microbial BioTechnology 3 125-130
J Boekhorst, RJ Siezen and G Wilson (2010) Searching in microbial genomes for encoded small proteins Microbial BioTechnology 4 308-313
Wilson, T.J.G., Ponder, B.A.J. and Wright, N.A. (1984) How epithelial cells move in sheets. Villus cell migration patterns in the small intestine. J. Anat. 138, 583
Sharp, J.G., Hawke, C.J., Wilson, T.J.G., Wright, N.A. and Hume S.P. (1982) Comparison of tritiated thymidine and stathmokinetic methods to study intestinal epithelial cell proliferation after various perturbations. J. Anat. 135, 820
Goodlad, R.A., Wilson, T.J.G., Lenton, W., Wright, N.A., Gregory, H. and McCullagh, K.G (1984) Intravenous but not intra gastric Urogastrone-EGF is trophic to the intestine of parentally fed rats. Regulatory Peptides 9, 332
Goodlad, R.A., Wilson, T.J.G., Lenton, W., Wright, N.A., Gregory, H. and McCullagh, K.G (1985) Effects of systemic and luminal administration of Urogastrone on intestinal epithelial cell proliferation in parentally fed rats. Gut 25,A 1154
James, P.S., Smith, M.W., Tivey, D.R. and Wilson, T.J.G. (1987) Pig enterocytes preferentially acquire a Na+-dependant transport system for neutral amino acids during early neonatal development. J. Physiol. 387, 36P
James, P.S., Smith, M.W., Tivey, D.R. and Wilson, T.J.G. (1987) Selective effects of Epidermal Growth Factor on enterocyte differentiation neonatal piglet intestine. J. Physiol. 387, 41P
Wilson, T.J.G., Firth, M.N., Harrison, F.L. and Powell, J.T. (1988) Studies on the cDNA of the mouse 14kDa ß-galactoside lectin. Biochemical Society Transactions 17, 144-145.
Published Meeting Proceedings:
Daniels, M.J. Barber, C.E., Dow, J.M., Han, B., Liddle, S.A., Newman, M-A.,Parker, J.E., Soby, S.D. and Wilson, T.J.G. ( 1992) Bacterial genes required for pathogenicity: Interactions between Xanthomonas and cruficers. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology, Strasbourg.
Daniels, M.J. Barber, C.E., Dow, J.M., Han, B., Liddle, S.A., Newman, M-A., Parker, J.E., Soby, S.D. and Wilson, T.J.G. ( 1993) Bacterial genes required for pathogenicity: Interactions between Xanthomonas and cruficers. In Fritig, B. and Legrand, M. (eds). Mechanisms of Plant Defense Responses, 53-63. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Daniels, M.J. Barber, C.E., Dow, J.M., Han, B., Liddle, S.A., Newman, M-A.,Parker, J.E., Soby, S.D. and Wilson, T.J.G. ( 1993) Plant and bacterial genes involved in interactions between Xanthomonas and crucifers. In Nester, E.W. and Verma, D.P.S. (eds) Advances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions,2 423-433. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Daniels, M.J., Dow, J.M., Wilson, T.J.G., Soby, S.D., Tang, J.L., Han,B. And Liddle, S.A. ( 1994) Regulation of gene expression in bacterial pathogens. Biochem.Soc.Symp.60 231-240
Barber, C.E., Wilson, T.J.G., Slater,H. Dow,J.M. and Daniels,M.J. ( 1996) Some novel factors required for pathogenicity of Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris. In Stacey,G, Mullin, B. and Gresshoff,P.M. (eds) Biology of Plant-Microbe interactions. 209-213 Published by International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.
Patent: Wilson, T.J.G., Tivey, D.R., Smith, M.W., James, P.S., Peters, T.J. and Raja, K.B. Improvements in or relating to the use of epidermal growth factor. GB2198351(B)